Our Mission

What is the Stay at Home Daughter Movement?

This is one of the topics that is covered and discussed in this project, but the basic premise that women even well into adulthood should not leave their father’s house, but stay under his household and authority. This is often included with the idea that women do not need to, nor should they, pursue a career outside of the home since living and serving in the home is of the highest honor.

What is the goal of this project? To dig into the effects of the patriarchal movement based on the premise that a girls’ calling is to serve and stay with her father until she is of marital age and then transfer that loyalty to her husband. This calling is held above all others. Girls and women in the movement are discouraged from pursuing a career outside of the home or moving outside of the house. Instead of choosing a traditional path of moving out when you become an adult and developing a life on your own usually including a career or college path, these women choose to stay with their families, contribute to the success of their family often including helping with housework and mentoring or educating younger siblings. Some women have expressed that there are many benefits to staying with your parents and helping until marriage, including protection and accountability. Others who grew up in this movement have walked away and left and now do not have a positive view of it. These have expressed damaging effects to growing up in this environment. This documentary will gather the stories of those who grew up under this premise and how that affected their religious choices, emotional health, relationships with others, their career and education pursuits, and even smaller aspects such as recreational options. The simplified goal is to let people share their stories in hopes that others can benefit from these stories. It is to raise awareness of the struggles those growing up in this movement faced and their perspective on it moving forward.